
100 Stories – 100 Faces

100 people tell their stories about crossing borders for exhibitions in Bremen and other places.

An activity by
partnering with Europe Grand Central

Explores the borders

Familiar Unfamiliar
Secure Insecure
male female
alone group
married single
shy brave
not having children having children
Africa Germany
sick in health
feeling strange feeling at home
being employed being unemployed


With our project 100 Faces – 100 Stories we want to attract attention to the fact that we are already a multi-cultural society and that borders exist not only between countries but also between young and old people, rich and poor, as well as between educated and non-educated, men and women … And furthermore people are confronted with their personal borders and the story they tell might be one of how they overcame this border or how they have to live with it. In any case we are looking for an experience that has been existential for this person.


Findorffstraße 51, 28215 Bremen, Deutschland




How it was done

public art
Bordr stories


Open call for interviews.
Open questions in the interview.
Non-threatening situation.
Public presentation of the results in the public space in an artistic setting.
Involvememt of participants and visitors in discussions, workshops etc.


  1. Are you a brave person or a cautious one?
  2. Can you think of a border you like, you think is nice?
  3. Is there a border you have overcome?
  4. Why did you want to overcome this border?
  5. How did you do it? What was needed in order to succeed?
  6. What was the effect? Was something different afterwards?
  7. Which border frightens you? (Why?)
  8. Which border do you want to errect? (Why?)
  9. Is there a border where there is something on the other side that is attracting you?


Bordr Stories

As part of this activity, Bordr stories were booked.

View more stories posted with this activity

Main lessons learned


If the project is based on previous experience, what was the lessons, and inspirations to take this particular route forward?
Inspiration came from Gottfried Helnwein (photography), from Marcus’ Project and our mixed and combined experiences in media, theatre and journalism.

Activity Timeline


  • Promoting the project

    Magazine article advertising for partners and participants to the project

    Magazine article advertising for partners and participants to the project

    Promotion and marketing of the project

  • Collecting stories

    Making interviews with video and photos.

  • Exhibition


2 comments on “100 Stories – 100 Faces

  1. 0 September 12, 2016 3:19 am

    I’d be interested in a description of the non-threatening situation. How is this defined and created?Reference

    • 0 December 15, 2016 1:08 pm

      When we interviewed people belonging to a certain group, e.g. football fan club or cultural project for unemployed people, we went to their places and made the interviews there. Otherwise we invited the participants to come to the Schlachthof and tried to make them feel comfortable. First of all we told them to take as much time as they need before answering a question or to ask back if they don’t understand what we are asking. And that there is no right or wrong. We are interested in their personal stories and are thankful that they are willing to ahare them with us.

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