The Creative Theater Atelier is a project that uses interactive theater and puppetry as a medium, involving difficult youth. The project is designed to assist participants in being lively and active parts in society. The project methodology is based on challenging, encouraging and engaging the participants in the creative process to be active and creative; as well as opening a safe platform where they can express themselves freely. The project also insinuates teamwork and group spirit.
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How the audience/participants were reached or discovered
The project was built around daily Theater workshops involving youth participants from Lublin. The target group changed due to Warsztaty Kultury priorities, but the project wasn’t deviated. It was enriched with three diverse groups:
- Lubartowska Group: Children from 4 to 12 years old
- Multigenerational Group: Moms, Grandmothers and children
- Summer Camp Group: Children from 6 to 12 years old accompanied by their teachers
How it was done
The project was embodied through daily workshops on different subjects through theater and arts as a platform. The participants took part and spread their voice and explored their world in a new way. They learned to share their ideas, fears, things they love, etc…
The workshops helped the participants to reach for their creative sides and create their own puppets, scenarios, and subjects they like to talk about and feel free about it.
Due to the diversity of the groups and time they spent doing the workshops, each group has gained different theatrical and puppetry skills.
The workshop resulted in an inside performance for the different groups.
During the first week, the participants took part in ice breaking, team-building, and conflict resolution exercises using theater as a medium.
The second week concentrated on improvisations, discussions, and scene creation.
The third and fourth weeks focused on producing and manipulating puppets and creating final scenes that were performed internally in the last day.
The workshops and the process was videotaped; so that the rushes will be used to produce a short documentary about the residency and will be screened in the simultaneous happening  in 2017.
On 28 July 2016 the created puppets were presented in the Gallery of  Warsztaty Kultury Center on Bernardyńska Street. Other puppets participated in the scenes created by the participants of the different groups. Then the puppets went through a parade to the House of Culture.
Main lessons learned
The three groups that participated in the workshops, the performance and the parade
Agnieszka Robaczewska (translator and assistant)
Rashad Taha (photographer and videographer)
Agata Will
Warsztaty Kultury
Activity Timeline
Dismantling cultural borders through creative theater and art workshops.