HECUBA weaves together a theatre research for the production of a new play with the desire to approach new audiences to the languages of performing art.
The goal of this project is double:
– to create a new performance that is nourished by several experiences in different cities and countries
– to test the specific method of “neighbourhood activation” developped by the company in the Pilastro area in Bologna by extending it to different territories and countries.
Roca Umbert. Fàbrica de les Arts, Carrer d'Enric Prat de la Riba, Granollers, SpagnaCharacteristics
Roca Umbert is a multidisciplinary space that involves the plurals communities of Granollers and Barcelona.
In this action Laminarie worked with three locals people at Roca Umbert - Fàbrica de les Artes. They were not professional actors and like the others actions, the focus of the show is the gesture that can explain the emotions better than words.
How the audience/participants were reached or discovered
Hecuba involves three kind of targets:
– the local partner in each city – in this case it’s Roca Umbert – Fàbrica de les Arts
– the partecipants to the workshop – in this case a three actors from Barcelona
– the audience of the performance
How it was done
The fifth step of Hecuba was realized as a theatre production. The actors worked with director Febo Del Zozzo for ten days in order to prepare the performance. Febo Del Zozzo created the scenic machine, which resembles a huge loom where the performers move. Febo himself acts on stage as a stagehand. The show was performed at Roca Umbert on 23th November 2016.
For the first time Laminarie brought Hecuba project abroad to experiment a new way of work in contact with this Mediterranean city. The result was a great experience of mixing languages, differents cultural codes and vision of the Hecuba figure.
How it went
Main lessons learned
Hecuba’s character and history are strong enough to involve people of different ages and backgrounds in all Mediterannean countries.
HECUBA project sums up Laminarie theatre company’s wish for “getting closer” to things. Professor Claudio Meldolesi once wrote “Laminarie expresses its vocation to contact – with matter, with objects, with words, with bodies, with the world inside and outside the theatre scene, with the places – and through interconnections between fairy tales and tragedy, playing and thinking, creative and fghting experiences, between city center and outskirts”. Laminarie theatre company always aims to get in touch with new and unforeseen audiences.
Greek mithology has been a strong inspiration for this project, together with the idea of deeply exploring the border between micro-local actions and international ones.
We decided to focus on Hecuba’s character because:
– the Greek tragedy is universal and it can be used as a mean of dialogue between diferent cultures people across the Mediterranea Sea.
– Hecuba is the story of a war told by the perspective of losers. It’s a symbol of a possible change of point of view in History’s narration.
A project by Laminarie
direction and scenography Febo Del Zozzo
with Cecilia Cavalieri d’Oro, Laura Bassa, Federico Tessieri
organization Marcella Loconte, Andrea Berna
with the support of Bologna Municipality, Emilia Romagna Region, Ministry of Culture, Roca Umbert fàbrica de les Arts
Activity Timeline
Hecuba - Fifth step: Gronellers (Barcelona, Spain)
Since 2009, LAMINARIE has its headquarter at theatre DOM la cupola del Pilastro, situated in a suburb of Bologna. Here, Laminarie has been working in deep contact with citiziens and inhabitants of the area, creating a supporting community for its projects.
HECUBA weaves together a theatre research for the production of a new play with the desire to approach new audiences to the languages of per- forming art.
The goal of this project is double: – to create a new performance that is nourished by several experiences in different cities and countries – to test the specifc method of “neighbourhood activation” developed by the company in the Pilastro area in Bologna by extending it to diferent territories and countries.
The project last three years (2015-2017) and involves many Italian suburbs and small villages where there’s a lack of stable theatre structures, and several ports along the Mediterranean Sea.
In each place, the project will mark out specific characteristics in order to meet the local context. Laminarie looked for local partners interested in the project wiling to cover the role of benckmarks of the local context and can help us building the relationship with places and people.
Laminarie’s intent is to take root in suburbs and ports along the Mediterranean Sea, working with local people and actors such as associations, libraries, institutions, schools and so on. Activities may include: workshops, conversations and meetings, lectures, involvment of citizens and local actors, single or collective narrations, urban performances, shows, video and so on. At the same time, the production of Laminarie’s new performances is going to get richer and richer while each new step is added to the final dramaturgy.
The very first step of the project is in Bologna at Pilastro’s neighbourhood with the citizens of the area