This piece of paper tells it all. My whole story. For 17 years I have been getting these papers for my children. Always the same. Every year one of these. It is the "review card" from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is for the nationality, citizenship, and they write on it the number of the portfolio and the application date. And then when you should come back for the review. Here it says October 25.
This paper reminds me of how tired I am of this. There have been ten ministers in the Ministry of Internal Affairs since I started. I go back and forth to the Ministry, I go to the Residency Office, I go to the Intelligence. Every time I am so close, but they just put it in the drawer until there is a law that gives them rights. It is like suicide. If it was not for the hope, faith, and the will, you would just go out of the Ministry and just kill yourself. Because the bad way they treat you, all the things you see and all the suffering you have to go through.
Story told and photographed by Ne'ma Faraj Allah, mother of stateless children in Amman, Jordan
Experience of this border
Location of border