The New Mill Town
Fengersfors has gone from backwater to hopeful example of the future. How can it continue as the mill changes owner?
Not Quite is a transnational forum and network for professional artists, craftspeople and designers. At the old paper factory in Fengersfors near Åmål, Not Quite has created workshops, studios, photo labs, gallery and art galleries. The old factory has not only become a place where past and future meet, but also a unique venue for art and business.
Fengersfors has gone from backwater to hopeful example of the future. How can it continue as the mill changes owner?
A series of workshops providing tools for telling stories that are rarely heard in the Swedish society.
Develop innovative methods for healing polluted heritage sites by combining art and science.
talking road signs, delivering experiences of women living in the same geography from different cultural backgrounds
Textile craft workshops articulating dreams of inhabitants of Bengtsfors county, Sweden
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